Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weightless Cardio

As the population ages,  most of us will develop body parts with pain, weakness or injury.
 For me the challenge has become cardio fitness.  Admittedly I never loved cardio, so it is fitting that it has become my Achiiles Heel. I have been searching for ways to work my heart and lungs without creating pain in my ankle joints.  For others it might be hips or knees, etc.

As I discuss in another entry Aqua Jogging has been a great addition to my workouts.  However, winter is not kind to outdoor swimming.

Enter stage left - the ALTER G treadmill.
This treadmill is capable of adjusting your weight to 0% -80% of your body weight.  WOW - think about the benefits of anti gravity
  • Enhance performance while minimizing the impact
  • Increase training volume and minimize stress-related injuries
  • Maximize fitness retention during rehabilitation
Maybe not this year but, I can imagine the use of this type of equipment gaining in popularity.  I will be trying it out and let you know what I think.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Aqua Jogging

I recently found a program in New York at Aqua Studio in Tribeca that I found extremely interesting.  At $40 per class one can participate in Aqua Spinning.  Taking the impact out and allowing for injuries, the pool is a great place to do some cardio.

The reason this was so intriguing to ME is that I have been Aqua Jogging for 2 years and loving it.

If anyone has access to a pool-I strongly recommend Aqua Jogging.  The cardio benefits are amazing for anyone who either 1) loves the water or 2) has trouble doing cardio due to restrictions imposed by painful joints or painful feet. Jogging in deep water requires equipment which is very inexpensive as opposed to a specially outfitted bike for Aqua Spinning.

I discovered Aqua Jogging when I had a bout of Plantar Fasciitis.  I could barely walk and couldn't do Cardio.  In the pool I would Jog at least 3or 4 times a week. The movement cured my Plantar Fasciitis, and I found the cardio quite enjoyable.

  The most fun is listening to my own music on an ipod that was resealed to be waterproof.

All you need is a belt sold by Aqua Jogger. There are of course other items that can be bought to enhance the experience by making the water resistance more difficult. But, one at a time please.

I am certain I look ridiculous with water gloves, water boots on my feet, and a flotation belt, but I wouldn't give up my pool cardio for any other cardio.

Check out the Aqua Jogger website.
Find a pool.
Get in the water's  FINE!!!!

Know Your Bodyparts

It is really important to identify what bodypart is targeted by each exercise in your program.  The mental connection cannot be overemphasized.  No matter what you are trying to accomplish.
 If  you are not connecting to the bodypart the exercise is designed to work on, you will be wasting your time.

For example, a chest exercise requires thinking about the chest as you execute.   The contraction in the chest must be part of your concentration.

If you are not feeling the chest there are two possibilities.  One is that you have not yet developed the mind to muscle connection and the second that you are not using the correct form.

When you put together your exercise program be sure you know each exercise and what bodypart each exercise is designed to enhance.

 If you have not been doing this, it will give your workout a new dimension.